[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 6
Accumula Town
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @sylviacousteau
Sylvia Cousteau
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 22:25:16 GMT
Sylvia Cousteau Avatar
"Technically, Boss didn't say how I'm supposed to steal Pokémon. So this just makes it more fun!"

It was another perfect day for one of her brilliant, dastardly plans and Sylvia was all giddy with excitement over. She sat in a hidden part of the Route, just outside Mauville's southern entrance. While not one to really bother with planning ahead in advance, she thrived in the present, and what better way to see her mission today than to cause a little trouble? She had been feeling so empty since her previous fun with . The first hero of hopefully many who she wanted to grow strong enough to fight against! But that was small time stuff! Sylvia had to find the rest of his party! After all, one hero alone stood no chance of saving the world from the clutches of evil! Except for the fact that he already had, and badly at that.

"Lesse, what did the manual say?" Sylvia had an opened package with electronics and wires aplenty! But this was no ordinary little bento lunch she was cooking, this was an explosive, and a powerful one at that! "I think you curve the blue wire clockwise…There! All done!" She taped her homemade explosive device up and patted the surface for good luck. "Mauville’s about to take a little nap, hehehe~"

With the plan in motion, Sylvia would grab an empty bag and a gas mask along with her before walking back to civilization. Every step was cheery as the woman hummed to herself with the package underneath her arm. Beside her was her precious Grapploct, who she would need for this part of the plan to come to fruition! They both continued on until they came into the Southern Square near the entrance of Mauville. It wasn't the heart, but the area was wide enough to where they could get a good amount without risking being stuck in the heart of Hoenn.

People walked in the road all around them both, as Sylvia beamed to her partner. "Let's get this show on the road, Octavio!" she handed him the explosive in his tentacles with a playful wink, then retrieved a detonation device from her pocket. "Would you do the honors and get this bad boy airborne?" The Grapploct wasted no time and began to spin its tentacles around and around, gaining speed and momentum as it launched the package into the sky. It sailed through the air, with Sylvia watching eagerly for it to reach the peak of its ascent. Once the speed had slowed down, the Rocket slid her gas mask onto her face alongside getting one for her Grapploct and pressed the detonation button.

The resulting explosion could be felt all across Mauville. Immediately within a two block radius, windows shattered from above, alongside the ground rumble from the force of the explosion. Panic ensued as the two waited patiently for people and Pokémon alike to scatter about. A white plume of smoke had descended upon the area, none other than the Sleep Spores that had been famous in some grass-types to lure the enemies asleep before striking. Just as quickly as the people started to panic, they'd fall over on the ground, asleep and tucked in nicely. Once the last person had been taken care of, Sylvia undid her bag and got to work.

"Hehe, another genius plan by yours truly!" Sylvia reached down to collect a stray pokeball and toss it into the bag. Her Grapploct was able to get more than she typically could, who would toss them in as Sylvia acted as the basket to catch them with. They had worked through a hood portion of the crowd, all while the spores lingered in the area. "I think we've got a good haul. I counted like forty something here. Even some police officers’ pals as well!”

MISSION: Boom Boom Bakudon!

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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Genevieve Cromwell
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 1:53:46 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Genny's been around Hoenn lately. Today, she took a personal day, going to do some shopping. Picking up something for her boyfriend, some strawberry shortcake she found in a local bakery. She wanted to do something for , because they hadn't had much time since the prison. And doing that, meant she could feasibly get to Petalburg at the end of the day today, or tomorrow.[break][break]

With bag in hand, walking out the store, Genny's cheeks were blushing red. This would clearly apologize for their little time together. She could check in on her Aron she gave to Isaac. She's excited, because it means she can show him how strong she'd gotten. She was excited about the daydream of his reaction.[break][break]

That was, until she was rudely awakened from her hopes by the boom from the distance, and Genny's hazel eyes went wide. What...? She was the closest Ranger. From her personal bag, she tosses on the Ranger jacket, slipping the sleeves over her blouse, and begins to run, tossing out a Pokemon to follow. Jacuzzi, the Vaporeon, cries out as they run.[break][break]

"Chilling Water, Uzi. Aurora Beam it, just like during the Silph Cup!" The Vaporeon does so, and create a flood of water in a single spread. It'd melt soon, she needed speed, so she began sliding on the ice, with Uzi following close behind, slopes and turns made with a quick turn. It required an insane amount of focus not to fall on her butt.[break][break]

But, when she gets closer, there's smoke... no, that's not just smoke. Spores? She yells. "Flip Turn, quick stop!" Uzi would fling upwards into an arc, ensuring that Genny had a full stop on the ice, as she does so on the fly. Uzi is returned, and in his place-[break][break]

"Rembrandt, blow it out!" The Rampardos bursts from the ball, and utilizes a WHIRLWIND from its big mouth to push the spores away. This was a terrorist attack.[break][break]

And Genny would make sure the terror would end. One way, or another.



- On a mission to get some strawberry shortcake for her boy, Genny recognizes the terrorist attack for what it is. She races.[break]
- Using her Vaporeon to get there fast, she uses her Rampardos to clear the air of spores once she arrives, stopping on the icy slopes made to figure out what, and why.



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[newclass=".genny1 .genny1body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".genny1 .genny1pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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July 6
Accumula Town
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
96 posts
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TAG WITH @sylviacousteau
Sylvia Cousteau
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 4:33:22 GMT
Sylvia Cousteau Avatar
Just as things were going so well, Sylvia and Octavio were subjected to a sudden gust of wind that had blown the spore cloud away from the area surrounding them. It was the sign that somebody had come to investigate what the explosion was for. She had fully expected at least one person to arrive in a short time after her little explosive went off, and had gathered up pretty much all of the pokeballs from the people inside of the area. "Hehe, looks like the jig's up!" she said and looked at the haul of pokeballs inside of the bag. forty to fifty pokeballs, all wrapped up nice and tight. She could make a clean escape right now without anything impeding her way, maybe even getting back to HQ by the time the first reports hit the desk of the police station about an act of grand theft. Nobody would ever suspect a thing.

And yet, Sylvia would casually walk to the source of the wind's appearance, away from the freedom that would lead her into a job well done.

"Let's go meet our hero of the day!" Her heeled boots make their way around the dozen of slumbering people, as the Grapploct behind her follows suit. She may have been cruel, but she wouldn't take it out on these people unless there was a good reason to do so. Even grand villains like her had morals! Just as she had finished painting the scene in her mind, a foot snagged on a rather portly man and caused Sylvia to fall face first onto the ground. Gone was any ounce of seriousness to her fantasy shot of her appearing all intimidating. She jumped back up and gave a frustrated kick to the man's stomach before continuing her serious, intimidating walk.

A figure came on the road in front of her. It was of another woman, one whose orange hair reminded her a little of those sunsets back home in Kalos she would watch all the time with her bug pals. She was with two Pokémon of her own, no doubt ready to go on account of the bomb she had planted. People in front of the Ranger were passed out on the ground, though still breathing. Sylvia had the huge sack of pokeballs over her shoulder and was staring directly at her during the walk forward. After some time, she reached a hand out to remove the mask that served no purpose as she revealed herself to the woman. An eager grin faced Genevieve while Sylvia eyed the two Pokémon with her. "Ah, our hero finally arrives! I know that look anywhere!" She giggled and stuck her tongue out. "The fear of going into the unknown by yourself, the determination that's steeled that resolve. It's all in the eyes." she said with a wink. "The eyes of a hero! What's your name?"

Sylvia swung the sack around her head and sent it flying away and smacking into a food truck beside them. Pokeballs trickled out of the sack and onto the concrete below while she stood over the sleeping bodies beneath her. "Show me what you've got then, Orange!" Her Grapploct lumbered towards both Vaporean and the Rampardos before leaning back as ink boiled inside of his mouth. He then spat out two quick OCTOZOOKAs in succession, one after the other at the two Pokemon.

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
827 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 18:14:17 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

There stood with a trusty Grapploct, a woman in the distance with a sack on her back, when Genny's eyes narrowed fully. She'd thought the criminal would have been gone already, but the way so many civillians were grounded nearby, asleep by the gas, while the lone villain stands with her stolen wares, had Genny scowl. It was lucky that no one was hurt here. It was luckier that Genny was the only one to find her.[break][break]

The mask gone, she revealed herself, and Genny's scowl deepens, eyes burning with determination. She gets into stance herself, next to Uzi and Rembrandt, as the villain before her waxes on and on about Genny being a hero to stop her. It felt... was she aiming for this? Goading some hero to come and stop her? Likely, this woman was a Rocket, and just as likely, Rocket wanted to operate in the shadows, right? But here she was, revealing herself fully to Genevieve. Why?[break][break]

The wink comes, and so does asking for the name. Genny scowls bigger. "My name is Ranger Cromwell. I hold no power to arrest. But I will take you down!" She yells back to her, a karate-like stance at the ready for this woman.[break][break]

Show her what she's got, huh? "Gladly!" While the Grapploct would lumber towards Uzi and Rembrandt and fire off with two OCTOZOOKAs, both Pokemon take the hit and falter back. Rembrandt in particular growls out with a roar, as Uzi squints towards the might octopus. Genny would call out as she runs for the Rocket properly. "Rembrandt, surf's up. Uzi, freeze them solid!" As the Rampardos calls for the SURF wave, Uzi utilizes an AURORA BEAM to attempt to freeze the wave around the Grapploct. Lock'em down.[break][break]

While Genny herself lands towards the villain, hazel eyes burning, and she throws her fist forward towards the gut. She knows the moves, sort of. Just a matter of seeing if they work.



- Genny meets Sylvia, and is perplexed by her reveal. But she answers the call and swears to take Sylvia down.[break]
- Genny runs to provide karate punch to Sylvia, Uzi and Rembrandt take the OCTOZOOKA, and return with a combination SURF and AURORA BEAM to attempt a freeze on the Grapploct.



[newclass=".genny1"]--accent:#FF5349;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".genny1 .genny1body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
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July 6
Accumula Town
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
96 posts
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TAG WITH @sylviacousteau
Sylvia Cousteau
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 1:05:12 GMT
Sylvia Cousteau Avatar
Just look at that stance! This was somebody who knew their stuff! She couldn't tell exactly what kind of school it was from, or if it had really been any style to begin with. Sylvia kind of slacked off in training that day, until the actual fighting part! But more importantly, the lone League member was even a Ranger! That was always a good sign that this could be one of those fabled heroes she had been desperately attempting to search for. With an elated smile, Sylvia soaked in everything that this woman had to offer her, letting the pure, unfiltered hatred for her antics wash upon her body. "Ranger Cromwell?" she smirked, giving a chuckle. "Pffft, so official. Arceus, you really are a Ranger, huh?"

The Grapploct's attacks would hit both Pokémon full on, the black ink staining their exterior from the attack. In a sign of challenge, or perhaps intimidation, the fighting octopus would offer both of the two opponents by flexing. Their reactions towards this action had not been wasted, given how Cromwell worked with her two Pokémon. The dinosaur looking one would call forth a sudden wave of water and and ride it towards him. The water overwhelmed the Grapploct, yet she still pushed through to free himself partially and react just in time. The Aurora Beam from the Vaporean had much such a plan nullified once the water had frozen over. The Grappleoct had four of his tentacles trapped by the ice attack, trying to free himself by wriggling around. "Oooh, you're pretty smart. Already impressing me~" Sylvia, meanwhile, watched as Cromwell ran up to her with her arms raised and ready to throw a punch. The swing came barreling towards Sylvia as she came prepared.

The Rocket swung her hips to the side when the strike came through, pushing her body to the side to avoid the attack. In the same movement, Sylvia brought her arm underneath the balled fist that had aimed for her and locked it into her armpit, flexing her bicep to keep it from sliding out without a fight. In a fluid movement, her form took a long stride behind Cromwell and forced the held arm behind her back, while putting her foot in front of the ranger's, interlocking their legs. "Whoa, you really meant that punch!" Sylvia giggled, resting her head on the woman's shoulder. "You're quickly impressing me though! Are you one of the heroes that I've been searching for? Keep on pushing, Orange!" That was a good color! Yeah, her hair matched some fruits and berries growing on the trees pretty well. Her voice wasn't taunting, well, not much anyway, but Sylvia sounded like a child that had just been told they could own an entire city made of the best candy available. There was no malice or anything, but unfettered joy in her words. The agent turned to her trapped Pokemon and had to think of how to deal with this terrible twosome!

"Get pumped, Octavio! Time to get serious!" The Grapploct would begin to flex its body up as the tentacles had seemingly grown in size and strength. One BULK UP session later, the frozen wave it had found itself trapped under had began to chip away, then freeing itself as two tentacles were still chilled in ice. It lumbered over to the others while Sylvia moved to hook her right leg in and trip Cromwell down to the ground. "Go for the Vaporean first, lock 'em up!" In one fluid swoop, the Grapploct slithered across the ground towards the Vaporean and used its tentacles to coil around Uzi's neck, front two paws and her tail, locking her into a chokehold with OCTOLOCK. The coiling tentacles were constricting her in place while the redhead smirked. "You're kinda cute when you look all serious like that."

MISSION: Boom Boom Bakudon!

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 2:38:29 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

The heroine would find her fist caught, obviously due to a lack of experience with melee combat, as she was snatched away into the armpit, and in a moment, forced into a hold by the redheaded Rocket. With a hefty grunt upon the Rocket's fluid movement, she felt her legs locked too, and Genny's hazel eyes piercingly looked to the side, her shoulder now a perch for the redhead's head.[break][break]

Her eyes analyze the field. It seemed their little ice trap worked out, but not nearly as flawlessly as Genny would have hoped. They mistiming the movement. The Grapploct was a fierce opponent, but not so much as the woman in front of her.[break][break]

In fact, the way she spoke was off. Most Rockets were bonafide villains, enemies to the League and wishing to push the Rocket agenda, but this woman seemed against the mold. Was she just some random terrorist? But why? Genny can't figure her out, but more so her interest in Genny was off too. A hero? Smart too? Why the compliments? Oh well. "Let me show you how smart I really am! Rembrandt, blow us away!" Genny flashes a smirk of pure confidence. It was a risky maneuver, but Uzi could handle Octavio.[break][break]

If the woman didn't want to go tumbling with Genny, she better let go, as Rembrandt peers away from the Grapploct to blow once more a WHIRLWIND, intent to push the two over, if Sylvia refuses to move. And with the Grapploct grappling Jacuzzi, the Vaporeon crying out, Genny calls back. "Uzi, disappear!" And into the waters that the Rampardos had made moments ago with the previous surf, the Vaporeon would use ACID ARMOR to blend fully into the waters, while it was still possible.[break][break]

Genny was cute? As the gust of wind comes...[break][break]

"So kind of you. Unfortunately, I'm spoken for," she comments back irritated. And winds blow. With, or without the Rocket to be blown in the way too.



- Genny is unfortunately in this grapple now, and oof, she is stuck. She orders Rembrandt to WHIRLWIND them both away.[break]
- As the winds coming, as Uzi is grappled by OCTOLOCK, she takes advantage of the recent SURF, and has Uzi ACID ARMOR into the water.[break]
- Genny tells Sylvia, without blushing or being embarrassed, accepts the compliment and tells her she's spoken for before the wind hits.



[newclass=".genny1"]--accent:#FF5349;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".genny1 h2"]font:14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;[/newclass]
[newclass=".genny1 .genny1body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".genny1 .genny1pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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July 6
Accumula Town
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @sylviacousteau
Sylvia Cousteau
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2024 21:40:38 GMT
Sylvia Cousteau Avatar
"Hehe, one lucky guy. Blue's more of my type, all heroic and serious looking~" Sylvia had the woman in her hands, teasing her a little bit while eagerly awaiting Genevieve's next move. Her arms fidgeted around while her next movement was definitely a crafty one! The good Ranger was quick to jump into action and order Rembrandt to force them to separate. Octavio, meanwhile, had been busy attempting to disable the Vaporean's ability with his many tentacles restricting its movements until the order was given for it to merge back into the water. Octavio's arms were freed up as his prey disappeared into the waters below them, leaving him vulnerable while his tentacles rolled back to a more neutral stance. While that Vaporean was going to be a handful to get away with things, Sylvia wasn't totally out just yet. No doubt that she could find some way to figure things out with that water loving dog...fox...thing.

Now under normal circumstances, separating from somebody who was attempting to be blown around by a large, explosive gust of wind would have been more health related to avoid. But if there was one thing the ginger Rocket wasn't, it was being sensible! Instead, the idea of getting to be thrown across the city streets only seemed to cause Sylvia's grin to widen. She hunkered down, embracing Genevieve by wrapping around the arm forced behind her back while keeping her other arm around her midsection. "Hehe, I like your style! Ready to go for a ride?" The winds swirled through their battle arena, as some of the other debris in their little fighting area were upset until, much like the scattered papers about, the two women were airborne. Sylvia loved the ride, even cheering out during their flight with a "Woohoo!" They soared through the air for a short while, while Sylvia tried to keep an eye on Octavio.

"Change of plans! Get pumped again, Octavio!" Just like before, The octopus-like creature started to BULK UP as his tentacles enlarged and twitched while growing stronger to maintain around its opponents. Octavio would continue looking around for the Vaporean just as Sylvia and Genevieve hit the ground. The Rocket was unfortunately who they landed on, which made her grunt in pain while they sat entangled on the ground. "G-Go for the hardheaded one! BRICK BREAK!" Octavio turned his attention to the Rampardos and raised two of its "arm" tentacles upwars. With fast speeds, it aimed to bring them down upon the Rampardos.

MISSION: Boom Boom Bakudon!

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
827 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 21:22:23 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Genny grunts to the redhead's commentary, both the comment on the lucky guy, and the one where she pulled her closer, ready for the ride to hit, when Rembrandt would fire off the gust of wind. Thrown through the air, the city streets moved around the two women, and while she has little to no control of this terrorist holding onto her, she can at least prepare for the counter attack. Flying through the air, she sees the move needed to be made.[break][break]

Never stop thinking. Never stop planning. Always stay two steps ahead.[break][break]

Octavio charges down Rembrandt with the BRICK BREAK, and while Genny hits the ground atop of Sylvia, the orders come lightning fast. She grunts in pain, but lets out a command "Intercept, hit'em back! Ride the lightning, Rem!" Rembrandt charges with lightning all around his body, as he goes to meet Octavio, and with the clash of the fighting move, comes the SUPERCELL SLAM, moving to meet the octopus.[break][break]

And thne, Uzi appears from the water behind the octopus, and as Genny moves to grapple Sylvia down, attempting to pull her arm behind her back to subdue her, she calls out, trusting Uzi fully.[break][break]

"Hit and run, Uzi!" And within a moments, hitting from behind, Uzi moves to utilize a FLIP TURN, slapping Octavio with his tail, before disappearing into a Pokeball.[break][break]

"This is the end of the line for you!" Genny commands, pushing Sylvia down. "Surrender and turn yourself in!" She wasn't trying to hit Sylvia. In fact, her grip isn't the strongest. The Rocket could get out.



- Genny gets TOSSED by that whirlwind, landing on top of Sylvia as she plans her next move.[break]
- Commanding Rembrandt, the Rampardos meets the BRICK BREAK with a SUPERCELL SLAM. Rembrandt is not doing so hot.[break]
- Uzi appears behind Octavio, and moves to slap with a FLIP TURN, Genny awaiting the next Pokemon to release.[break]
- Genny's grip atop Sylvia is weak. She wants Sylvia to surrender.



[newclass=".genny1"]--accent:#FF5349;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".genny1 h2"]font:14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;[/newclass]
[newclass=".genny1 .genny1body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".genny1 .genny1pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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July 6
Accumula Town
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
96 posts
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TAG WITH @sylviacousteau
Sylvia Cousteau
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 3:57:48 GMT
Sylvia Cousteau Avatar
The fall had made Sylvia grimace in pain, having smashed her back into the pavement and was reeling a bit from the pain, though she could only focus on the eyes of Genevieve on top of her as the grin on her face grew as wide as possible. Octavio had been in a pretty rough state all things considered. His Brick Brreak attack had been so rudely interrupted by the Rampardos's Supercell Slam attack, meeting the two at the halfway mark while damaging both from the shock. Octavio stumbled back from the force of the slam, only to be further damaged by the Vaporean's Flip Turn, causing it to stumble back some. The lack of a Vaporean to deal with was a plus for them, although Sylvia was giggling to herself again, her lovely eyes dousing themselves in everything Genevieve stood for. "Yes, yes, YES! You're perfect! It's been so long since I've met people like Blue and you." Even if Genevieve's grip wasn't resolute, Sylvia was going to make sure she regretted doing so. "You're one of the ones who I'm looking for! The people who are going to save this weak little region! I can see it in those eyes, the fiery spirit of a hero!"

While stuck in her elated state, she looked back up at her Grapploct as it would facing the other opponent. There wasn't a whole lot more that she wanted to do here at this point, so why not just clean things up? "Let's finish this, Octavio! SUPERPOWER time!" The Grapploct surrounded its body in a mysterious blue energy, beginning to glow around its tentacles as power radiated from the Pokémon's very being. Octavio launched itself at the Rampardos, attacking with all of its limbs at once. A shockwave tore through the Mauville city streets as the two powerful bodies made contact with one another. More loose items flew away, as some vehicles even would tilt on their side form the force of the blows! At the same time, Sylvia shifted her weight to the right and kept a hold on Genevieve's arms, flipping the two so that she was on top of her now. Sylvia's grip, however, was absolute. She gripped her hand, hands brimming with excitement. The two green orbs stared down at the Ranger with a an excitable expression. "But that whole "mercy" thing doesn't work out here, silly. Rocket trains us to win by any means necessary. If I had a hidden weapon or any kind of malice towards you..." Sylvia let go of Genevieve's left arm, allowing her right hand to reach and press onto her nose playfully. "Boop! One less Ranger to worry about~ Next time we meet, I expect you-"

A loud creak interrupted the fight, catching their attention, as nearby, a lightpost would have come loose from the previously mentioned shockwave. It wobbled in place back and forth as Sylvia stopped her monologue to watch it. The large lamppost would then slowly begin to fall towards the crowd of people currently slumbering around them. More importantly, an unconscious child, cuddling his Sewaddle, would be in the direct line of its descent. The normally apathetic and playful Rocket, as it turned out, experienced an emotion other that just joy at torturing the Ranger in front of her. "Shit, nonononono..." Sylvia kicked off of being on top of Genevieve to race towards the falling lamppost. Her dash landed her just at the forty degree angle mark, with only mere inches separating the child from the heavy lamppost. With extra emphasis on the heavy part.

"Nggggh..." Sylvia grunted, trying to hold onto the heavy load to keep from squashing the two underneath. The child's fate was maybe up for interpretation, but nothing was going to happen to her precious bugs! Her back was to Genevieve, allowing her for a chance at a cheap shot while the redhead grunted and tried to push the lamp aside, though with little effort. She wasn't a bodybuilder and this thing weighed tons! "Octavio, gimme a-" The fighting octopus was reeling from the recent Superpower, dazed and trying to slowly lumber over at a slow pace. Sylvia pushed herself to continue, for the Sewaddle's life!

MISSION: Boom Boom Bakudon!

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
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Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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Genevieve Cromwell
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2024 8:11:39 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

This had to be the end, and Genny would make sure of it. As the woman before her seemed so hellbent on Genny's very being as one of the things she was after, the little Ranger raises a brow in utter confusion. She was a hero who would save the region? From... her?[break][break]

"What are you talking about?" her genuine confusion rings out, uncertainty plagues her tone.[break][break]

There's something off about the elation, and it perplexes Genny enough to distract from the combat. The Grapploct would throw their limbs forward to smash into Rembrandt, the incurring shockwave would tear through the city streets, knocking vehicles over like a pickup, and it has Genny's lips curved into a frown, especially when the grappler becomes the grappled, leaving Genny grunting in a tizzy. Rembrandt was out cold, and Uzi alone stood against the Grapploct.[break][break]

Then the Rocket goes on about mercy, and the enemy that mercy was to Rocket. Had Sylvia had the malice, Genny would be dead. But it wasn't naivete, but the reformist inside of her. The blazing hazel eyes would never leave Sylvia.[break][break]

Even grunts though, cannot stop the lamppost, and Genny in a moment of utter fear, sees the kid and their Sewaddle. And her teeth grit. "Stop... NO-" she almost screams in chorus towards Sylvia, and in a moment of uncertainty...[break][break]

The Rocket saves them? The kid and their Sewaddle live? The hypocrisy in the air is palpable. By launching off of Genny, she would save the child and keep the lamppost from crushing them... at least, for the moment.[break][break]

Getting up, even as the dust of the fight settles, she doesn't hesitate. Recalling Rembrandt, Genny would race to the child, and order Uzi at once.[break][break]

"Aurora Beam. Ensure the Rocket is able to leave. Do not harm her, Uzi," though it pained Genny to say, this was one of the first Rockets who would openly save a child. The way the Rocket moved, Sylvia had gone and nearly gotten crushed herself. Genny wasn't going to give a cheap shot.[break][break]

While Uzi worked on the lamppost, Genny moved to get the kid and their Sewaddle out of there. "It's not safe here. Come with me," she relays, and grabs their hand, setting them to the sidewalk, away from danger.[break][break]

She doesn't say a word to Sylvia. In fact, still no cheap shots. "Our business isn't done."



- Rembrandt is taken down with SUPERPOWER, as Genny loses the grapple. She's curious on Sylvia's endgame.[break]
- After being pinned, the lamppost from the battle nearly crushes a kid, though Sylvia clutches it. Genny is perplexed.[break]
- Helps by ordering Uzi to freeze the lamppost in place, as Genny assists the kids. She's displaying mercy; a sentiment that was not unknown to her... someone who would save a child has to be somewhere good... right? No one was hurt...



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[newclass=".genny1 .genny1body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
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July 6
Accumula Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @sylviacousteau
Sylvia Cousteau
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 21:16:05 GMT
Sylvia Cousteau Avatar
"Hrrrrrgh...I won't let that little guy get crushed..." Sylvia said to herself, trying to get her to summon enough strength to just miraculously pick up the lamppost and throw it into the stratosphere. In reality, she wasn't going to just suddenly sprout enough muscles to get this pole out of the way of the kid and his Pokémon. She had been fully expecting to be attacked in this moment of weakness and welcomed it with open arms, but to her surprise, Sylvia heard the Ranger just order the Vaporean to freeze the lamppost whole to hold it in place. Sylvia managed to let go just in time to watch the pole be frozen in the air just above the child and his Sewaddle. The Rocket smiled at the pair, though her eyes locked onto the poor thing. Scared half to death, frozen in fear just looking at her. It was something she loved to see, but not with a bug!

"He's getting pretty big. Pretty soon he'll evolve, but when he does, you need to make sure that you get him fresh leaves every day. Make sure he's got a nice warm shelter for the winter and plenty of time outside so he can repair his coat if it gets bent or damaged." Sylvia kneeled down to the child while she observed the string covered Pokemon. He flinched at her doing so, though she didn't mean any harm in doing so. A soft smile came about while the woman fought back the envy in her heart. Her Levanny would have loved this one, no doubt. "And take good care of him. It's dangerous for bug-types out here, but if you treat them right, they'll return the favor, okay?" Cromwell called the child to her, which he did so quickly after nodding silently at the Rocket. The redhead waved him away before managing to take a breather from carrying all that weight.

At least until the ranger was still interested in another fight. "Nah, it's done. I've seen enough to know what I have to work with here, Orange. And that's to say, you pass with flying colours!~" Sylvia said while putting a hand on her hip, nonchalantly watching Genevieve as she looked at the bag full of Pokeballs that was laying out on the street, spilled out and undisturbed. "I wasn't even interested in the Pokeballs anyway, keep 'em. You're the one I had my eye out for, and it worked!" She brought both hands together and beamed in approval, calling back her Grapploct. The octopus Pokemon exchanged glances with the ranger and her Vaporean, though refused to attack. Although the Rocket's expression turn to uncertainty while glancing at the Vaporean.

"I don't really get it though. Why not attack me when I'm weak? You had the perfect chance to take me in and you didn't."

MISSION: Boom Boom Bakudon!

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 23:35:27 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

The lamppost freezes in place, letting the Rocket let go, allowing her to peel away from it, and when the child and Sewaddle look scared to death, Genny's footfalls were heavy, as she races towards the kid, and closing the distance. As soon as the kid was in safe hands, bug in hand, Genny got onto a knee, and ruffled his hair.[break][break]

"Run on home. Okay? It's not safe here," she shoots him a smile, and once the child was away... her demeanor changes. When Sylvia speaks...[break][break]

They're done?[break][break]

Confusion paints her face like a piece of art with no meaning, where an artist throws things together. It's like a puzzle, and trying to derive what the intention was when the piece was made. She passes though? It was as if the Rocket never intended to hurt anyone. All she wanted was... Genny.[break][break]

In the back of her head, she can feel the aftermath of the Megalopolan ship, in the deaths she caused by her hand, and how she was focused, almost frenzied by the toxic energy. And Sylvia asks why she didn't take advantage of the moment, and strike her. Why didn't she? The answer was simple.[break][break]

"You helped that kid. That's why," she explains, in short enough words. Words that irritate, perplex, and fascinate her. It makes her think of those Rockets that were in the organization for a real reason. Such as the scientific Rocket who was in because the League wouldn't embrace what she wanted (), or the Rocket stuck due to debts from Dewford (). Once again, her naivete clouded her eyes, and made her hesitate.[break][break]

Uzi would quietly push on next to her, whimpering quietly as he rubs his head to her leg, and the redhead stared on to the Rocket. "I don't understand you. What makes me so special? I'm just doing my job, why me?" she pleads, the gravitas in her voice, begging for an answer.[break][break]

"Why do you want a hero?"



- Ah yes, Sylvia. Providing a complicated response to her. That they were done. As the kid rushes away, it leaves both redheads alone.[break]
- Genny gives the honest answer. She did it because Sylvia helped. And as Uzi moves closer to Genny with a whimper, the Ranger asks.[break]
- Why. Why does Sylvia want Genny like that? What made her pass?



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July 6
Accumula Town
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @sylviacousteau
Sylvia Cousteau
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 2:51:15 GMT
Sylvia Cousteau Avatar
She helped the kid? Sylvia blinked., a little shocked by her answer in multiple ways. Yeah, she did end up saving that kid while she was aiming to get the Sewaddle out. So technically she did save somebody! Maybe the Ranger cared enough to not kill her on the spot for that revelation, but Sylvia was much too caught up in fawning over Genevieve to really care that much about details. "Ugh, you people and your chivalry are so annoying some times. Yes, I did it. I saved a kid. Not a big deal in the long run." She gave a small pout for a moment, furrowing her brows for a moment. Just as quickly as the frustration appeared, Sylvia exhaled and continued beaming at Genevieve. Those eyes yearning for an answer that wasn't made aware to them. Sylvia loved to see it so, even if she hadn't caught on by now. It was such a simple line of reasoning, once you learned how to step off the worn, beaten path. She stepped closer to Genevieve, but not threateningly. Her posture was ever changing, lending itself to her slender, athletic body, and the eager grin never seemed to dwindle. Time to put those years in theater class to work!

"What's your favorite thing in the whoooole world, Orange?~ The one thing that if removed from your life, it would devastate you. The very thing that defines who you are as a person." she asked in a chipper, genuine tone, looking around at the destruction caused by her. People splayed out, unconscious and currently asleep. She waited for an answer and then spoke up again. "I find struggle beautiful. Not in a gross kind of way that some weirdos have on the internet. Not even in the way some self-loathing trainer who lost to the same gym three times will post "Waaaaah, I'm not gunna make it" on social media." The latter of which was said in a mocking tone. "I'm talking about the baby Pidgey kicking at its shell, Beautifly bursting from its cocoon, Pokemon running from preadators! The fight for survival, the will to live beating out impossible odds!"

Sylvia was a respectful distance away from Genevieve again, grinning ear to ear as her hands were behind her back, only to then raise into the way and part ways as they motioned to the chaos before them.

"The struggle to grow, to change, to move forward in the face of absolute adversity. It's the one thing that is embedded in every living thing that can't be stripped from us. There's nothing more synonymous with life itself than to struggle, and life is already such a beautiful thing." The redhead looked onto the broken glass, scattered pokeballs lacking owners that had spilled out of the bag from before. Even the sirens from afar, signaling an attack, had brought the woman a sickened sense of pride in her chest. "People have gotten too soft and malleable with today's society. The peaceful, idyllic nature of fun times and friendly battles is slowly ending. We've both seen what Rocket can do, and I especially know what happens when the people are too weak to push back."

She let it sink in for a moment, then reached down as her foot came across the shredded remains of a candy display by one of the corner stores nearby. The box was still half full of tart tropical candies shaped like water-types for the summer season. They were somewhat singed, but still pretty good. Her voice rose in excitement and admiration as she came closer still, now in front of her.

"The people need a lot of things, things that the League or Rangers fool them into believing. People don't need bureaucracies, or some rich asshole sitting in an office as they look at the statistics below them, determining the fate of people they'll never see or know about once they're missing or dead. What they need is an icon. People who are the embodiment of the kind of person everybody aspires to that's not some corporate mascot or poster child. Somebody who inspires every person that they alone can defy the factors that keep them down and continue to grow! And one of those somebodies is you, Orange!"

Sylvia reached forward to boop her nose again, snickering to herself with a mouthful of gummi candy.

"I used to wonder why bad things happened to people, good or bad. It's happened to everybody, me included. I wallowed in despair for long enough to realize that it's all meaningless. Humans, Pokemon, everybody has to suffer to some extent in their lives. But I don't want this region to have its hope stomped out with the way things are going. The League could care less about what the people around us are like! Their hopes, dreams, what they want more than anything, and Rocket won't be any better! What Hoenn needs are people who care. Not because it's the "right" thing to do, but because it's what they genuinely believe in."

"That's what I want from heroes. I don't want League answers or protocols. I don't want to hear how Rocket has insurmountable odds against the League. I don't care about legendaries, avatars, gods, or this stupid war." Sylvia felt her heart racing, opening her arms wide as she faced Genevieve and her Pokemon. Her face was flush with emotion, and still smiling. Yet inside of those cheerful irises was a sense of fervor that bordered on charitable ignorance. "I want to see you struggle for victory, for your life! I want you to push yourself past your limits until you break and be rebuilt! I want to taste your bitter hatred for me and everything I stand for! All so I can make you into the paragons that you were destined to be!"

Sylvia finished her little ramble and didn't even notice how much she was hyping herself up. Her body trembled, hands shaking as the box of candy was squeezed to tight that it threatened to break. Her breath was visible with how much she had gotten into herself, then giggled to herself again and moved some strands of hair from her face. Silence rang between them again before she composed herself again and swallowed another mouthful of gummies.

"That's why I want a hero. I've met one other already, and there will be more. I don't do it because I want to, it's my purpose. The reason I even exist."

MISSION: Boom Boom Bakudon!

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
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Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 22:31:35 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

More philosophy... Genny listens. The purest form of motivation, laid bare for Genny. Her love for struggle, how beautiful it was. Tog row and challenge the highest of highs. All Genny can do is listen on. To how the world has changed so much, so hard. The woman's words burn her, but she does not flinch away from the flame. Even when given the compliment, that she would be one of those people to inspire, to lead, to defy factors and grow only has her clinch tighter to her chest.[break][break]

The people need a leader, an icon, someone to believe in. Genny didn't disagree. For her for a long time, that was , , and for her, now adding , , , and . All of them, were leaders in their own rights. They led her to the path that she's on now. The one where she wants to be the Champion to go beyond. It no longer meant anything to her to be the Head Ranger. That dream was dead. Now, she had to surpass them all. And the Rocket before her, makes compelling arguments the whole way through.[break][break]

Genny's quiet the entire time. The madness this Rocket had in her heart wasn't fully madness. She was... complicated. Her ideals could not fully fight Sylvia alone. She was incapable of dismissing them. To become the strongest, she had to break and be rebuilt, over and over again. And if that meant, this truly lost Rocket before her, had to be used to get there...[break][break]

"Fine. If your great purpose is to be a spring board for me-"[break][break]

Her eyes burn with flame.[break][break]

"Then I'll devour your ambition. And use you for all you are. If you saving that kid meant nothing to you, than you are lost. You are a villain. A stepping stone for me." Because she cares. Because she wants to save Hoenn. Because Rocket needs to be stopped, and no legendary or avatar would stop her to succeeding that goal.[break][break]

She wanted a hero? Fine. She wanted to be hated? Fine. She wanted to make her the paragon she will one day become? Fine.[break][break]

"And when Rocket is gone, I'll be the paragon that puts you away for good," Genny declares with vim and vigor upon her tongue. "Go." She throws her head to the opposite direction of sirens. This was the least she could do for what Sylvia did for that kid and the Sewaddle.



- Genny continues to hear Sylvia's philosophy. What makes her who she is. And while she cannot ignore it, she agrees to it a little.[break]
- So, if Sylvia wishes to be used to birth a hero, Genny will oblige and devour her ambition. She calls Sylvia a stepping stone.[break]
- She declares that she'll put Sylvia away for good, and tells her to leave.



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spiral and shiv's baby
[M] Boom! Boom! Pow!
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 3:47:26 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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